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  • PERISHER 雪場滑雪3天遊
PERISHER 雪場滑雪3天遊

PERISHER 雪場滑雪3天遊

  • 产品描述: **专业滑雪团首选 **乘坐豪華旅遊巴士出發前往雪山
  • 在线订购

PERISHER 雪場滑雪3天遊

行程安排: (出发-周一,三,五)(报名确认后不能取消)

Day1-集合後,乘坐豪華旅遊巴出發前往雪山。中途於棲息處稍停休息,並 享用晚餐。抵達雪山後,由專業導遊協助下租用雪具。全程入住Smiggin Holes滑雪場/Perisher Blue滑雪場酒店。(D)

Relax on the way there and enjoy dinner. Upon arrival reside on the snow at Perisher Blue/ Smiggin Holes to take in every snowy moment.


Spend the day on the slopes and enjoy dinner at the hotel in the evening.

Day3-酒店早餐後自由活動,下午2時準時離開,並帶著開心的回憶乘車返回 悉尼。(B)

Spend the morning at leisure after breakfast. Return back to Sydney at 2pm. The trip may be over, but the memories will certainly last a lifetime.

《此團如山頂天氣惡劣或下雪,因山路濕滑危險,導遊將陪同客人自費乘坐Skitube上山 》



·交通:豪華空調巴士接送 Luxury coach transportation

·酒店:全程住宿 Full accommodation

·導遊:華藉(廣東話、普通話)專業導遊 Professional Chinese speaking tour guide (Cantonese, Mandarin)

.雪山公园门票 national park fee



Special Request: request to stay at a hotel in a specific region, $30/person surcharge is applied.


Optionals: as mentioned per itinerary


Snow Activities: Equipment Hire, Cable Car


Tipping: $6/person/day service fees for the tour guide and driver


recommends all travelers purchase insurance.

·注意:因私人原因、天氣、災難或其他人力不可抗拒的因素等所 引起的額外費用本公司不承擔任何責任。

Note: Premier Vacations will not be responsible for any costs incurred due to personal, weather,natural causes or any other circumstance beyond our control.


·2歲以下嬰兒團費為$120/每人/每天$120/pp/pd Infants under 2

·2-11歲以下為小童團費 Children under 2-11are charged at child prices

* 為了保障個人衛生,雪山酒店不允許客人自帶熱食及酒水,否則酒店有 權收取BYO費用

·單人房附加費 $150/人/晚 Single supplement: $150/person/night

·學生假期 School holidays period: 05/07/2024 - 21/07/2024

·緊急聯絡/集合查詢 Emergency contact:0426 844 388/0424 338 298

·旅遊團一旦預定後,團費需要即時付清。如果在出發前七天以上取消, 扣每位團費 50%,出發前七天之內取消,團費不予退款!

Full payment require when booking confirm, cancellation 7 days before departure - 50% fee, within 7 days - non refundable !


Parramatta (Fitzwilliam Street圖書館對面)-------10:45 am

Eastwood火車站對面 (圖書館側)--------11:15 am

唐人街holiday inn darling harbour 酒店--------12:00pm
Hustville (华英小厨旁)----------12:45pm

凡參加本社滑雪團必須透過本社租借任何滑雪用具,否則收取每人$50之成 本費,自備雪具之團友亦將被收取每套$20托運費。所有團隊以入住 Berridale及Cooma為主,如房間客滿或行程需要,本社將視乎情況安排入 住其它遍遠地區,導遊只於當天確認客人。所有行程本公司保留調改之權利 ,銷售至另行通知。

All snow gear and equipment must be hired through Premier Vacations as part of a group. Any person independently hiring ski/snowboard equipment by themselves will incur a $50 surcharge. Any person who bring their own ski/snowboard equipment will be charged $20 per set for storage and handling. Tour will accommodated in Berridale and Cooma as the primary option. Should the standard accommodation be unavailable for any reason, similar accommodation will be provided and confirmation given on the day of the tour.