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  • 古文明探秘·埃及&约旦16天
  • 古文明探秘·埃及&约旦16天


  • 产品描述: *埃及博物馆,金字塔*阿斯旺大坝*特别赠送尼罗河风帆船*瓦第轮沙漠四驱车
  • 在线订购



Day1. 澳洲-迪拜-开罗 Australia - Dubai - Cairo [flight: 0600/1715]
悉尼EK415 起飞时间06:00
墨尔本EK409 起飞时间06:15
布里珀斯(提前一天)EK421 起飞时间22:20
Fly to Cairo via Dubai, transfer to hotel upon arrival, dinner included.
住宿: 5* Cairo Grand Nile Tower or Pyramids Suites or similar
Day 2  开罗 Cairo
早餐后造访闻名世界的【埃及博物馆】,场馆中珍藏了超过十万件文物,其中图坦卡蒙法老墓葬展室中的纯金棺和法老木乃伊金面具是古埃及文物中的极品。之后前往【萨拉丁城堡】,是12世纪时埃及的英雄萨拉丁为抗击十字军东侵的攻击而建。在击败十字军后,萨拉丁在这里开始了阿尤布王朝的统治。虽历经战争,但整个城堡至今仍十分坚固,如今己是一个必游的观光区域, 可以俯瞰开罗城市景观。城堡的主体建筑是穆罕穆德·阿里清真寺,此外还有多处参观点,如另外3个清真寺和4个博物馆(国家警察博物馆、军事博物馆、马车博物馆、皇宫博物馆)以及宝石宫等。造访【开罗科普特老城】是开罗旧城的一部分,包括巴比伦要塞、科普特博物馆、悬空教堂、圣乔治教堂,以及许多科普特教堂和历史遗迹。
Enjoy a guided tour of the famous Egyptian Museum in Cairo. It's the richest museum of Egyptian antiquities in the whole world, it contains pharaonic treasures from more than 5000 years ago. The building is rectangular with a large rotunda on the ground floor containing massive exhibits, including the colossal statue of Ramses II. Afterwards visit the massive mediaeval Salah El Din citadel, a mediaeval Islamic-era fortification in Cairo built to defend against the Crusaders. Explore this ancient fortress and marvel at its brilliant domed ceilings, suspended lights, and commanding views of Cairo. The citadel houses the Alabaster Mosque, formally the Great Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha. Afterwards, drive to Old Cairo and visit Coptic Cairo, a part of Old Cairo that encompasses the Babylon Fortress, the Hanging Church, The Greek Church of Saint George and many other Coptic churches and historical sites. It is believed in the Christian tradition that the Holy Family visited this area and stayed at the site of Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church (Abu Serga). 
餐食:酒店早餐 当地午餐 中式晚餐
住宿: 5* Cairo Grand Nile Tower or Pyramids Suites or similar
Day 3  开罗-阿斯旺 Cairo - Aswan [flight: 1845/2010]
前往世界七大奇迹之一的【吉萨金字塔群】,这里距离开罗约100公里,矗立着一座座包括2座最壮观最著名的金字塔【胡夫金字塔】、【哈夫拉金字塔】在内的多个金字塔群,同样历经千年的【狮身人面像】依旧守护着古埃及的法老王们,静静地在漫漫黄沙中诉说着古埃及的骄傲。中午在金字塔景观餐厅享用午餐, 下午搭乘内陆航班飞往阿斯旺,晚餐后入住酒店.
Visit to Memphis: Visit the first unified capital of the ancient world. Most of the pyramids found near Cairo, were built during this period when Memphis was the most important city in Egypt and most probably the world. Continue your tour to the enigmatic Sphinx and Pyramids of Giza. At 500 feet (152.4 metres) high and 750 feet (228.6 metres) wide at its base, the Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) is a breathtaking structure built from enormous stone blocks with a white limestone covering. Cheops Pyramid is the only survivor of the Seven Great Wonders of the Ancient World. Along with the smaller pyramids, the sight of these huge structures is unforgettable. Catch a late afternoon flight to Aswan, overnight in a 5* hotel.
餐食:酒店早餐 当地午餐 当地晚餐
住宿:5* Pyramisa Island Hotel Aswan or similar
Day 4  阿斯旺-尼罗河轮 Aswan - Nile Cruise
Visit the beautiful Temple of Philae, dedicated to the worship of the Egyptian Goddess of Love, Isis. Take a short motorboat ride to visit the majestic Philae Temple on Philae Island, a rocky island in the middle of the River Nile and the temple was an ancient pilgrimage centre for the cult of Isis. This sacred site was revered from the Pharaonic era and the Greek, as well as the Roman and Byzantine periods. Afterwards, visit the Aswan High Dam followed by lunch onboard. In the afternoon, enjoy a sailing cruise around Elephantine Island on a traditional Egyptian timber felucca sailing boat. 

Check in Nile cruise for 3 nights

餐食:酒店早餐 船上午餐 船上晚餐

住宿: 5* PRINCESS SARA or HAPI or BEAU RAVAGE or similar
Day 5  阿斯旺-科翁坡 Aswan - Kom Ombo [尼罗河轮 Nile Cruise]
上午您可以选择在游轮上好好地休息或是游玩阿斯旺城,感兴趣的团友可以自费参加船上项目参观埃及知名的阿布辛贝大小神殿(凌晨4点出发,来回车程8小时) 中午回到游轮上享受午餐和短暂休息之后,下午前往位于科翁坡市的【科翁坡神庙】,全埃及乃至整个世界至古老的一个日历图案就保存在神庙当中。
 Cruise the Nile, visit Kom Ombo
Today you may also join an optional tour to Abu Simbel, the two famous massive rock temples on the western bank of Lake Nasser.( Depart at 4am, return journey 8 hrs, Can be booked onboard)
餐食: 船上早餐 船上午餐 船上晚餐
住宿: 5* PRINCESS SARA or HAPI or BEAU RAVAGE or similar
Day 6  科翁坡-埃德福-卢克索 Kom Ombo- Edfu - Luxor [尼罗河轮 Nile Cruise]
Cruise the Nile,visit the Edfu temple. Join the tour guide for a visit to the extraordinary Temple of Horus at Edfu, the Upper Egyptian site dominated by a large well-preserved temple, dedicated to the Hawk God Horus. The construction of the Ptolemaic temple of Horus, which was founded on the site of a much earlier temple, dates to the period between the reigns of Ptolemy the Third and Ptolemy the Twelfth, between 237 and 57BC. The depictions on the walls include the mythological tale of the conflict of Horus and Seth (probably performed annually as a religious drama). 
餐食:船上早餐 船上午餐 船上晚餐
住宿: 5* PRINCESS SARA or HAPI or BEAU RAVAGE or similar
Day 7  卢克索 Luxor
Disembark cruise after breakfast, be transferred to the West Bank of Luxor to tour the Valley of the Kings, known as the ‘Gateway to the Afterlife’. The ancient Egyptians built impressive tombs for their pharaohs, of which the most famous can be found in the Valley of the Kings, like the tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amun (the visit to this tomb is not included). Outside, the guide will give explanations of the tombs, (entry to three tombs is included). Rising out of the desert plain in a series of terraces, you will also see the Temple of Hatshepsut - often referred to as the Pharaoh Queen. On the way back to the river Nile, the road passes by the famed Colossi of Memnon, two massive stone statues of the Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Overnight in Luxor
餐食:船上早餐 当地午餐 当地晚餐
住宿:5* Jolie Ville Luxor or similar
Day 8  卢克索-开罗-西奈半岛 Luxor-Cairo-Sharm el-Sheikh [flight: 1940/2330]
早餐后后参观的【卡尔纳克神庙】和【卢克索神庙】。卢克索古迹中最引人注目的是尼罗河东岸的卡纳克神庙(karnaktemple)和卢克索神庙(luxortemple)。卢克索已成为一座现代旅游城市、埃及的旅游胜地,那里弥漫着一股节日和欢快的气氛,位于市中心的庙宇神殿给卢克索打上了特殊的标记,每年都有几十万游客从世界各地慕名而来。埃及人常说:“没有到过卢克索,就不算到过埃及”。始建于3900多年前的卡纳克神庙是古埃及帝国遗留的一座壮观的神庙,太阳神阿蒙神的崇拜中心,古埃及最大的神庙所在地。神庙内有大小20余座神殿、134根巨型石柱、狮身公羊石像等古迹,气势宏伟,令人震撼。 傍晚搭乘内陆航班经开罗飞往西奈半岛南端的沙姆沙伊赫,抵达后入住酒店休息.
Visit the amazing Abu El Haggag Mosque, Luxor Temple and the largest temple in the world, Karnak Temple, dedicated to the worship of Almighty God of the New Empire "God Amun".
Fly to Sharm el-Sheikh via Cairo, transfer to hotel upon arrival.
餐食:船上早餐 当地午餐 当地晚餐
住宿:5* Xperience Sea Breeze Resort or similar
Day 9  红海/西奈半岛(沙姆沙伊赫)自由活动 Sharm el-Sheikh free day
Enjoy a free day at leisure to soak up the sunshine or engage in some holiday resort activities, such as scuba-diving and snorkelling, or optional tours including a desert safari. Sharm el-Sheikh is one of the most fascinating landscapes of Sinai Peninsula and the Red Sea. you can spend the day sunbathing at one of the best beaches int he world, or explore the local culture wandering around the Old Town. 
住宿: 5* Xperience Sea Breeze Resort or similar
Day 10  红海/西奈半岛(沙姆沙伊赫)自由活动 Sharm el-Sheikh free day
Enjoy another free day at leisure 
住宿:5* Xperience Sea Breeze Resort or similar
Day 11  沙姆沙伊赫-渡轮-约旦阿喀巴-瓦地伦 Sharm el-Sheikh - Aqaba Jordan by ferry - Wadi Rum
早餐后办理退房手续,乘车前往码头,自理午餐后搭乘渡轮前往约旦亚喀巴(约3小时船程), 抵达后乘车前往瓦地伦, 入住瓦地伦特色帐篷酒店, 在星光下享用晚餐。瓦地伦(或翻译为瓦迪拉姆)位于约旦南部,靠近沙特阿拉伯边界,占地74000公顷。作为自然与文化混合遗产,已经列入世界名录。你是否看过好莱坞大片《火星之旅》、《木乃伊复活记》、《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》等电影?那画面中奇异的山石,色彩绚丽的沙漠,都是在这里演绎着一个又一个战争传奇。旅行者可以骑上骆驼或者坐上吉普车到这里寻找狂野的感觉。
Transfer to port after breakfast, lunch at your own expense, catch a ferry to Aqaba, Jordan ( appx 3hr)
Upon arrival at Aqaba, continue to Wadi Rum, a protected desert wilderness in southern Jordan. It features dramatic sandstone mountains, including the many-domed Jebel Um Ishrin and nature arches such as Burdah Rock Bridge. Many prehistoric inscriptions and carvings line rocky caverns and steep chasms, such as Khazali Canyon. Spend the night in a desert camp, where you will enjoy dinner under the stars.
餐食:酒店早餐 酒店晚餐
住宿:Mazayen Rum or Hasan Al Zawaideh or Al Sultana or Rum Oasis
Day 12  瓦地伦-佩特拉 WAdi Rum - Petra
乘坐四驱车进入【瓦地伦沙漠漫游】(游览约2小时),沿途拍摄沙漠美景。这里是电影"阿拉伯的劳伦斯"主要取景地,独特的沙漠景观让人叹为观止。之后前往游览【佩特拉古城】,被世人称为古文明世界的第八奇迹,佩特拉无疑是约旦境内最有价值的瑰宝,也是最热门的观光景点。一个长约1公里的狭窄的峡谷通道,两边被高起80多米的峭壁包围。只是从锡克穿行就是一种独特的经验。岩石的颜色和形状构成都 让人眼花缭乱。那里有几百个用岩石精细雕刻而成的坟墓,上面刻有精致的浮雕。这里还有一个那巴特人建造的罗马式的剧院,可以容纳3000人。这里有方尖石塔、神庙、祭坛、有廊柱的街道,以及高高在上俯瞰峡谷的代尔修道院——需要爬上800级石阶到达的地方。
Enjoy the wilderness adventure of a 2-hour jeep tour of Wadi Rum, following in the footsteps of British soldier, Lawrence of Arabia and climbing sand dunes. Afterwards, continue to Petra. Inhabited since prehistoric times, this Nabatean caravan-city, situated between the Red and the Dead Sea, was an important crossroads between Arabia, Egypt and Syria-Phoenicia. Petra is half-built, half-carved into rock, and is surrounded by mountains riddled with passages and gorges. It’s one of the world's most famous archaeological sites, where ancient Eastern traditions blend with Hellenistic architecture. 
餐食:酒店早餐 当地午餐 当地晚餐
住宿:4* P- Quatro Hotel or similar
Day 13  佩特拉-死海 Petra - Dead Sea
Today travel to the Dead Sea. Upon arrival enjoy a free day for bathing or relaxing. The Dead Sea is a salt lake located more than 400 metres below sea level, the lowest point on dry land. Its famously hypersaline water makes floating easy, and its mineral-rich black mud is used for therapeutic and cosmetic treatments. 
餐食:酒店早餐 当地午餐 当地晚餐
住宿:4* Dead Sea Spa Hotel or similar
Day 14  死海-马达巴-安曼 Dead Sea - Madaba - Mount Nebo - Amman, Jordan
前往【马达巴】小城是约旦的基督教徒(主要是东教) 的重要聚居地。它是世界上马赛克镶嵌制品种类最多的城市,享有“马赛克之城”的美誉。途径【尼波山】前往安曼. 圣经记载摩西率领以色列人出埃及,前往上帝应许的迦南美地,摩西登上泥波山俯瞰迦南地,后来死在山上并埋葬在这里.抵达安曼入住酒店.
Drive to the town of Madaba and discover the amazing Byzantine mosaics excavated from throughout the town. See the Madaba Map, the oldest preserved mosaic map of the Holy Lands. Continue to Mount Nebo and wonder at the view where Moses looked across to the Promised Land and later died and was buried. Afterwards, transfer to an Amman city for overnight stay. Enjoy free time in the afternoon for some shopping in the city centre of Amman. 
餐食:酒店早餐 当地午餐 当地晚餐
住宿:5* Crowne Plaza Amman or similar
Day 15  安曼-迪拜-澳洲 Amman - Australia [flight: 1810/2230+1]
Visit the Amman Citadel at the center of downtown, the L-shaped hill is one of the seven hills that originally made up amman. The Citadel has a long history of occupation by many great civilizations.[1] Evidence of inhabitance since the Neolithic period has been found and the hill was fortified during the Bronze Age (1800 BCE). The hill became the capital of the Kingdom of Ammon sometime after 1200 BCE. Most of the structures still visible at the site are from the Roman, Byzantine, and Umayyad periods.[7] The major remains at the site are the Temple of Hercules, a Byzantine church, and the Umayyad Palace. The Jordan Archaeological Museum was built on the hill in 1951. Though the fortification walls enclose the heart of the site, the ancient periods of occupation covered large areas.
Transfer to the airport for the return flight back to Australia via Dubai.
餐食:酒店早餐 中式午餐

Day 16  抵达澳洲 

Arriva Australia

悉尼EK414 抵达时间22:30
墨尔本EK408 抵达时间23:20
布里斯班EK430 抵达时间22:40
珀斯EK420 抵达时间17:20


AUD7999/人, 其他城市出发附加费AUD300/人


1.澳洲出发全程机票含税 Return airfare with current taxes
2.当地全程交通30-45座旅游巴士 Local transportattion in 30-45 seater coach
3.14晚当地4-5星酒店 14 nights 4-5 star hotels in local rating
全程41正餐(14早13午14晚餐)含当地特色餐饮 Breakfast, Lunch & dinner in local & international 4.cuisine
5.全程景点及活动门票 Admissions and activities
6.当地中文导游 Local Mandarine speaking guide
7.澳洲领队 Tour escort from Australia (若参团人数不满20人则不派领队)
8.埃及和约旦电子签证Egypt & Jordan E-visa (限澳洲或中国护照,其他护照请在报名时咨询客服)


1.行李超重费用[行李额见各航空公司] Excess baggage[refer to airline baggage allowances]
2.当地司机、导游及领队小费全程共A$280 Gratuities to local guide, driver and tour escort A$280
3.个人旅游保险及其他个人消费 Travel insurance & personal expenses"


1.距出发日期45天前取消扣除$1850每人手续费 45 days before departure, forfeit of deposit
2.距出发日期45~30天内扣除$3200每人手续费 30 days before departure, penalty of $3200pp applies
3.距出发日期30天内恕不退款 Within 30 days of departure, no refund


1.价格为AUD每人, 以两人一房为基准 Prices are per person based on twin share, in AUD
2.下单即需支付订金$1800每人,尾款需于出发前45天前付清 Deposit of $1800pp payable upon booking, balance is due 45 days before departure
3.行程所述酒店或更换为同级其他酒店 Hotels listed are for examply only, may change to similar
4.儿童价适用于旅团结束时仍不满12岁的儿童 Child prices are for kids under 12 yrs on the day of return
5.不满2岁婴儿不提供座位、床位、餐食 Infants under 2 yrs will travel without seat and meals
6.当地盛行小费,请自备美金或埃镑/里拉打赏酒店及餐厅服务人员 Tipping to hotel and restaurant staff is recommended
7.地接社保留根据当地政府的政令及交通限令等不可抗力调整行程的权利 Itinerary may change due to local traffic and government restrictions
8.如因人数不足10人未能成行客人可以选择其他团期或者全额退款 If the tour is cancelled due to less than min 10 pax, we will change or refund for free
9.如因乘客个人原因不能参团请诉诸个人旅游保险 Travel insurance is highly recommended, we do not grand refund for personal reasons
10.请查阅乘客是否符合目的地相关疫苗和检测要求,我社概不承担乘客因疫苗、检测、护照、签证等原因被拒绝登机产生的损失 It is your own responsibility to make sure you meet travel requirement to destinations involved
11.【关于签证 Visa requirement】
我们会为团员申请埃及和约旦电子签 We will arrange Egypt & Jordan e-visa for all group members.


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